Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

If the answer to your question is not listed here, please call our team on 02 8251 4000
We discuss all test results with the patient on the day. We can provide a provisional tissue diagnosis on the day for patients based on cytological assessment of fine needle biopsies by our on-site pathologist from SydPath. If further pathological information is required, a core biopsy is taken and sent offsite to SydPath for complete analysis. These results are usually available within 2-3 business days.
We provide a thorough breast assessment for patients of all risk profiles. Our service model is designed to ensure that patients only undertake the tests that are necessary to achieve a diagnosis. We commonly see high-risk or symptomatic patients who require more comprehensive assessment than can be offered elsewhere. Screening mammography can be undertaken at the clinic if the patient is at increased risk of breast cancer. However there is no Medicare rebate for routine screening of patients at average risk, and so this is at the patient’s own cost.
We have breast surgeons who consult at our clinic and have operating privileges at various Sydney hospitals. In addition, there is a network of breast surgeons throughout Sydney to whom we refer at major public and private hospitals. We are happy to refer or recommend a surgeon for your patient or refer them back to you for specialist referral.
We always try to see urgent patients on the day and guarantee to see them by the next working day.
Our team of breast physicians, surgeons, radiologists and pathologists collaboratively reach a multidisciplinary diagnosis. In addition, all mammograms undergo a second read from a different radiologist to provide further quality assurance.
A comprehensive explanation of our fee structure is available here.

Written results are provided within five working days, however if a patient requires urgent attention, our breast physicians will often call you on the day of the patient’s appointment.

Full range of state-of-the-art services
for breast screening and diagnosis.

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Full range of state-of-the-art services
for breast screening and diagnosis.

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