Breast Surgeons’ Radiology Clinic

Breast Surgeons’ Radiology Clinic

Breast Surgeons’ Radiology Clinic

In addition to our regular screening and consultation services, an afternoon breast surgeons’ radiology clinic is also available. This is to accommodate services for surgeons with patients who require imaging and/or biopsies, but do not need a consultation with a breast physician.
Like our regular imaging service, both 3D tomography and ultrasound are available, and imaging results will be discussed on the day between mammographers, sonographers and a radiologist. Once reported, the radiological reports and imaging will be electronically accessible to both patients and surgeons through SBC’s Clinical Collaboration Platform, MyVue, which is compatible on both individual devices and with RIS-PACS. A copy of the report can also be sent directly via fax or email to the referring doctor.
If biopsies are requested, the radiologist or a breast physician will consult with the referring surgeon to make appropriate arrangements for either a mammogram or ultrasound guided procedure. Cytological biopsy results can be provided on the day, and histopathological biopsy results are available within 2-5 business days through St. Vincent’s Pathology.
Appointments for the Breast Surgeons’ Radiology Clinic are available Tuesday to Friday from 12pm-1pm, with 15 minutes allotted to each mammogram booking and 30 minutes allotted to each ultrasound booking.
Patients will require a compliant referral requesting imaging services, and we accept both private referrals and referrals completed using our template.